Harro East Ballroom wedding photo in Rochester NY


We’re here to document your special day exactly as it unfolds. From the big happy tear moments, to the energetic end of the night dance floor. All captured for a lifetime of cherising in our timeless and true to color style.

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Our hybrid photo and video package includes a 2-4 minute wedding day highlight film featuring all of the most important moments! Giving you the opportunity to watch your special day back over and over again.

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 Engagement sessions are the perfect way for couples and photographers to work together before the big day! We offer complimentary engagement sessions in a variety of our packages, as well as stand-alone sessions.

Rochester Wedding Photographer Finger lakes Wedding photographer

About Us

Hello there! Our names are Tom and Sierra Ende, and we are a husband and wife photography and videography duo located in the Finger Lakes region of New York!

Our story starts in 2012, when we graduated as high school sweethearts! After falling in love with each other, we fell in love with photography, together! Fast forward to 2018 when we officially launched Tom and Sierra Wedding Photography.

Working alongside such amazing couples, getting to hear their stories, and documenting one of the most joyous days of their lives has been more fulfilling than we could have ever imagined. We’re passionate about our work, and it’s our mission to leave each couple with photos and videos that perfectly encapsulates their day.